We believe in prosperity & opportunity, strong communities, healthy families, great schools, investing in our future and leading the world by example.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

I support

Sustainability: we know how to meet present needs without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their needs, the definition of sustainability. I will propose and support legislation that promotes local economic development on our scale and provides opportunities for new businesses for entrepreneurs in our towns.
These new enterprises should include agriculture to provide some measure of food security, preserve our water supplies and wildlife habitat and give us the flexibility to respond to climate change, population growth and technological advances.  We have one of the most beautiful and accessible landscapes anywhere, but it will be lost without our efforts.

Campaign finance reform: this is both a desperate and a worthy goal that will allow us to vote as equals, and make all our voices heard as we decide together how to pool our resources and do the things we cannot do effectively and efficiently alone.
We have gone a too far toward making corporations more powerful “people” than the real human beings who live here.  We need to give power back to the people, the voters, and we need to bring more people into the process.

Reform of NH’s tax structure: it worked well for an agrarian society where land was wealth, but it is too rigid and cumbersome for a more complex society. We need a tax structure that will give us the flexibility to support a healthy, well-educated population, one that spans all age groups sharing their resources to grow communities that provide for all their citizens. Our tax structure hits low income people the hardest, young families and the elderly.  There are also, despite our "business-friendly" reputation, an awful lot of taxes and fees on our business activity.  The first step is to agree to have an honest conversation about how we pay for our joint efforts as a state.

Jobs: the new healthcare legislation, when fully implemented,  will make it possible for new businesses to be formed without their owners having to worry that an illness or accident would leave them bankrupt. It will also make it possible for existing businesses to have options available for both owners and employees to stay healthy and take care of medical challenges.
Opportunities to make use of emerging technologies and practices in energy generation, both local and regional, communications, transportation, agriculture and other areas we haven’t even thought of, will widen our horizons and make our towns and our region vibrant and thriving, if we don’t turn our backs on the future.  In the  past we were known for our “can do” attitude, don’t tell us we can’t!  Future job growth springs up from our small businesses.  It doesn’t trickle down from a few of the wealthiest among us.