If you haven’t just turned off the TV and radio by now, you will have heard and seen a lot of very negative political ads this year. While you may not believe the distortions and lies (yup, lies) that these ads are touting, while you may not notice that you have no idea who is paying for them (and if you tried you probably couldn’t find out), they have another, more insidious and dangerous effect. You may be thinking, “This is so awful, I don’t even want to vote!”
BINGO! The ads are working. The cynical pundits who write op eds in the newspapers, the chattering talking heads on TV, they are celebrating. They don’t want YOU in the political process, you, who is hanging on to middle-class status with your fingernails, you who really would like a break from the destruction and the obstruction that has left you wondering what your future and the future of your family could possibly be, they want you to stay home on Nov. 2nd.
They want you to stay home, because if you find out on Nov. 3rd that we are going back to the policies that created the mess we are in, in the first place, it will be too late for you to say, “Oh, wait, no, that’s not what I voted for.” You didn’t vote. The big money that paid for those ads did. You lose. You no longer have representatives that work for you, you have representatives who work for someone in another state, or maybe even another country, who paid big bucks to discourage you from exercising the ultimate right of an American citizen, the right to vote.
It’s your choice. It’s always your choice. See you Nov. 2.