We believe in prosperity & opportunity, strong communities, healthy families, great schools, investing in our future and leading the world by example.


  • Created New Hampshire Working to help workers and companies recover from the recession by  avoiding layoffs, expediting return to work, and providing training to help workers get new jobs.  
  • Outlawed the “Use Tax” to protect New Hampshire businesses and tourism by preventing taxation by other states of their residents who choose to shop in New Hampshire. 
  • Increased the NH minimum wage  for the first time in 10 years
  • Balanced the budget  by reducing  spending when revenues declined due to the national downturn
  • Protected kids from bullying by requiring schools to have anti-bullying policies which included bullying through the use of electronic devices including telephones, cellular phones and computers, 
  • Reduced electronic waste by expanding the definition of electronic waste to include computers and media recorder/players, effectively outlawing the disposal of those hazardous items in landfills. 
  • Strengthened environmental protections concerning oil spills, water pollution, and drinking water violations.
  • Enhanced voter protection by increasing the penalty for “phone jamming,” (which is used to disrupt campaign calls)  to protect potential voters from disenfranchisement.
  • Expanded health insurance coverage so that children under the age of 26 can now remain on their parents’ health insurance while they transition into the full-time workforce
  • Established smoke-free restaurants
  • Expanded unemployment benefits to include certain part time workers 
  • Created consistent funding for the Land and Community Heritage Investment Program [LCHIP]
  • Rejected Real ID  a program to require participation in the national identification card program
  • Protected Workers with the WARN Act requiring businesses with more than 75 employees to provide 60 days notice prior to closing their doors.
  • Established marriage equality by eliminating discrimination against gay and lesbian couples
  • Protected borrowers by capping  pay-day loan interest rates that were as high as 400% APR
  • Supported NH businesses with a Research and Development tax credit and with HealthFirst  to control health insurance costs for small businesses
  • Defined, determined the cost of, and funded educational parity and established a system of accountability  finally eliminating court oversight of public education